New Lights above the New Table, originally uploaded by Xvelo Designs.
Long awaited blog post about our farm table we built late last year for the holiday.
Words are a bit hastily typed but if you have any questions or this gives you inspiration let us know…
Few photos of the construction of our country farm table in Wheat Ridge Colorado. The wood that comprises the Top, Skirt and Stretchers are from an old barn in Lakewood CO near our other house. Wife some how managed to get the wood back to the house wiht the help of a friend and it sat for 1.5 years before we moved and i procrastinated the project for ever until it was time to host X-Mas dinner for the first time.
The size and construction technique was determined by the raw materials at hand, it ended up being 8’8″ x 34″ wide and hight was determined at 31″ so our chairs with arms would go under at the heads of the table.
The legs are 6″x6″ and were mortised to fit the skirt and stretchers. I built the bottom as a discrete unit so we could move it in the house and then the top was bolted down by it’s joiner boards to the skirt.
The project was done with the spirit that was our farm table at our Moulin in France, which was a wacky day driving to Lyon to pick it up and ending up in Burgundy on the way home. I just love the sense of community that large tables filled with lots of people bring