Portrait of a Chain
Category Archives: L I F E
Daily ramblings about my life the the people who are associated with me by choice or circumstance
Nevers St. Cyr Cathedral #2
Shot from Nevers last year
now linked in from Flickr
The Right Wing Is Awesome…
Funny shit from the special folks over at Fox news, courtesy of Scott…
I’m at least 90% sure that they’re attempting to be serious at this. Funny none the less.
My new favorite show…I’m not much for watching internet TV but this show is pretty cool, again not found by me but the folks over at Urban Velo where a vast majority of all my information comes from.
They are the Bicyclist
Check em out, I’ve only watched 2 episodes so far but I can’t imaginge why I wouldn’t watch the rest.
Gloomy day here in D-Town, will probably knock the dust off riding to east on the roads for a while and see where I make it from there. Till another post…
Another day…
OK. I’m a bike dork and shiny bits facinate me. But very little amazes me in the world of bicycles. There is very little creativity in the realm I can afford, but in the custom and hand-crafted world, well that’s another story. A lot of guys do the same stuff with uber-quality and cool-factor, some guys stand above the rest. Vanilla and Sacha White are awfully cool, I think he may have invented cool but everyone else just makes the stuff to drool over. I came across these guys today from Urban Velo (the best rag around) Some super cool bike makers out of Spain … Amaro Bikes

These guys seem to be making the stuff dreams are made of. I’m not even particuarly fond of fixed or even single speeds for that matter, but these bikes are down right sexy! Have a look at the full website and buy one if you can. They seem to building some of the most original and unique bikes around right now, anyone can weld a sick TI bike but make it that unique? not so much…
In worthless news, not necessarily about bicycles but this guy was on one when he had the crap kicked out of him by our Police Department…
If you think about scalping tickets at our baseball teams matches, watch out…You will get your ass kicked.
Enough for today.
April in Colorado…
Like most cyclists and Coloradans April is a time to come out of our shells and get back on the bikes/trails/whatever outside and get some fresh air. This winter has been different, we’ve been riding every day/week/month as the weather has provided us way more singletrack than should be allowed for a winter in Colorado. Today is April first, we’ll celebrate our next snow storm in a string of great snow storms. It’s two so far this week with a good one scheduled for the weekend. Can’t really ride the trails so let’s trash the roads, yeah whatever. We’ll ride our bikes no matter what, we keep 5-6 bikes a person for a reason. Today’s first picture from the Canon G10 is the Apre-Commute today during the Thunder-Snow. Snow is cool when it’s thundering (like the Pacific Northwest) but the lightening was a bit scary as it seemed to be hitting quite close.
The second topic of the day, as I’m not particularly pissed about anything now, is beer. America has undoubtedly the best beer in the world. The Germans can argue (why?), the Belgians can compare (they make some great stuff too), the English (they’re good but too narrow in the taste spectrum) and the rest of the world, eh, maybe some good ones but who has time when we rule. Today’s story comes from Russian River Brewing in Sonoma California. It’s a new to me brew called Pliny the Elder. Fantastic, over-hopped, well malted beverage comining in at a daily drinking weight of 8.0 ABV.
Pliny the Elder was a Roman naturalist, scholar, historian, traveler,
officer, and writer. Although not considered his most important work,
Pliny and his contemporaries created the botanical name for hops,
“Lupus salictarius”, meaning wolf among scrubs.” Hops at that time grew
wild among willows, much like a wolf in the forest. Later the current
botanical name, Humulus lupulus, was adopted. Pliny died in 79 AD while
observing the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. He was immortalized by his
nephew, Pliny the Younger, who continued his uncle’s legacy by
documenting much of what he observed during the eruption of Mount
Vesuvius. (taken from Russian River’s website)
Needless to say it’s a fantastic beer and everyone should drink 4 of them. A photo for proof.
Anyway that’s it for today. This weekend will be with out cycling so maybe I’ll photo around the snowy neighborhood again and figure out how to use my Nikon again.
How to spend a Sunday
1. Wake up early and have a good breakfast
1.6 Celebrate spring coming (hope for some more snow)
2. Check craigslist and see if there is a chipper/shredeer
3. Go and get such chipper/shredder
4. Work alot
5. Drink beer
That about says it for a Sunday in the life of the suburban dad…Till I do something better…
70 Degree March Day
Enjoyed a beautiful March day today with a nice ride round the neighborhood…
Started from the house and rode up and did Green Mountain / Zorro / Dakota Ridge / Matthew Winters / Apex and pedaled on home. Twas a nice ride. Hikers on MW were abundant, GM and Apex were fairly light for a Saturday but MW was best avoided by all.
Sick new music from Scott, download HERE If you’ve never heard Gangsta rap with BlueGrass, well you should.
How about that Cavendish guy? Not quite as fast as me but I suppose he’s ok…Here he is winning the Milan San Remo
As I was saying, you’re a better person if you ride your bike. Read here
No photos today, having too much fun to worry bout them. I’ll take some soon and post them here.