Not alot to post today, didn’t really do anything besides hang with the family, eat some delicious Messican food and play with photoshop.
My buddy sent me this link to these guys over here and though they are probably famous and I’m the last guy on the interweb to find them, they have some really cool shows. I followed the link above to do my own version and it was a great learning tool for many different tricks with photoshop.
I started with my photo of my favorite bike in the entire world, it’s a 1930’s – 1940’s Gehard racing bike. It’s new enough to have the Sturmey-Archer 3 speed derraileur on it so I’m not too sure of it’s real age. I pulled from an attic of a garage in central France that was owned by a crazy scottish guy, who will always be my favorite person in central France. He has so much cool stuff in his garage and he’ll talk cycling all day long! In English!!
Any way, here is the before picture….

Not over all good shot but It’s my bike and I love her any way…
Here is the after from following the web show posted above…

I think it was a cool effect, hopefully you do to, enjoy.
One more, no before for this one just the mid way through. I didn’t like as much as the one above.
Until next time…Ride fast and take chances!