Front Triangle Brazing-5, originally uploaded by Xvelo Designs.
The rig is coming along nicely. I haven’t posted for awhile as I’m lazy and I’ve been filing and sanding too much to take pictures.
Close(er) up of the head tube/ down tube junction with fork in place. I’ve found that this is the most tedious and enjoyable part of the build. It’s a freaking mess of black and gunk when the fire is turned off, the ensuing filing and sanding is very Zenning.
Picture of the bottom bracket pre-cleaning:
I wish I could say I wasn’t shocked about how freaking straight this frame is coming out. I’m very pleased. Should be rolling sometime in February or maybe January with some components laying around the house.
I’ll be working on the jig for the chain stays tomorrow, so maybe a picture of that if it comes out the way that it’s in my head.